
Sunday, 30 August 2020


On this day of our harvest festival, Onam, when every one used to be  blessed with a bountiful harvest and were filled with the happiness of prosperity and contentment, we remember our Great King, Mahabali, who ensured justice & fairness, equality, honesty, work & bread for  all  and wish you a very happy Onam in the age old tradition of our forefathers who lived and died here, in our Kerala! 

May the panic and anxiety of the pandemic do not cast a shadow on our celebrations, let us make the best with what we have and hopefully look forward for a better year to come. 

Picture: picnewposts.blogspot.com

Thursday, 27 August 2020

A tunnel of Trees!

Picture Courtesy: porkypain on reddit

A very enjoyable and memorable walking tour by Kathrin Burrington of Chichester, west Sussex, UK. 

Monday, 17 August 2020

The Pipe Organ tribute to the front-line Covid Warriors.

CSI Cathedral Church, Calicut
CSI Cathderal Church, Calicut

The year 2020 is bombarding us with misery after misery. While the pandemic is raging on the monsoon rain has devastated our already fragile life with wide spread damage and death all over Kerala. 

So, when the 74th Independence Day arrived, the festivities were reduced to the minimum. After the mass and Independence day flag hoisting ceremony at the historic CSI cathedral Church in Kozhikode (Calicut), the Asst. Vicar, Rev. M. P. Bernet played the National Anthem on the "King of the Instruments", an antique Pipe Organ of the church, dedicating it to the front-line Covid warriors of the state, who have risked their lives serving the sick infected with the deadly virus.

The instrument was a gift to the Church from UK 16 years ago and the musically inclined parishioners have trained themselves to play the instrument under the tutorage of Mr. Ebenezer Edwin of Chennai. 

Congratulations Cathedral Team, we are looking forward to hear more of the Pipe Organ composition. 

The True Spirit of Christmas

A Hindu family in the UK has been opening their shop on Christmas Day for the past 23 years to provide companionship to locals w...